News & Announcements
Free Skin Cancer Screening
Aging & Disability Resource Connection
NJ Direct File
*Photo Credit Spencer Sanczyk
Welcome to Kinnelon’s “Home on the Web”. This new site launched Feb 2022 is designed to reflect the Borough’s beauty, natural resources and character. The information and navigation are intended to be no more than two clicks away. It is presented from the perspective of a resident who is either looking to move to Kinnelon and wants to see what we have to offer (which is a whole heck of a lot!). Or that of someone spending their first day in Kinnelon looking to orient themselves to the area - right here in Kinnelon or as far as Broadway!
In government - a lot can be done online - we have endeavored to make as much “virtually” accessible as possible. Register to vote, look up a tax map or report a pothole all on the site, easily. Sign-up to receive e-newsletters and e-notices tailored to your interests, bulk trash collection or dog license due dates, for example.
Our Recreation Department is growing at a fantastic rate. The Recreation heading has links to a specialized site called Community Pass where you can maintain a family profile - names, ages, shirt sizes and more. You can sign up and pay for Rec programs and be notified of sign ups and deadlines. The “Links | Things to do” page is loaded with local and area activities, sights, venues and organizations for all ages, in all seasons.
*Photo Credit Spencer Sanczyk
Other links display relevant Kinnelon locations and directions. Borough facilities, fields, Schools, and Firehouses are easily pinned on a map. One link takes you to our Library where you can borrow a free pass to the Intrepid Museum or check-out a best seller as an e-book. Another link take you to the Library’s Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL for short) where you can sign up for classes on just about anything!
Many Volunteer opportunities exist in Kinnelon. The Volunteer Opportunities link under the Community Tab will connect you with Committees and commissions looking to fill vacancies. Opportunities to get involved include the Animal Shelter, the Volunteer Fire Company, the First Aid Squad, or the Rec dept as a Coach or a Camp Counselor for example. There is something for everyone here!
Kinnelon Schools are well known to be among the best in the state. We offer a page listing school addresses and phone numbers. For more detail jump over to their web pages from the link we provide.
Hopefully, you have as much fun checking out the site, using it and learning from it as we did creating it. Please send me your comments and ideas for future updates and improvements.
The Kinnelon Triboro Food Pantry is located at the Church of the Nazarene 188 Kiel Ave Butler NJ. The pantry serves the residents of Kinnelon, Butler and Bloomingdale. Listed below are the hours of operations and some details. We are ALWAYS looking for volunteers and donations.
- Tuesdays: 9AM to 12PM for donations and sign-ups only. Pantry volunteers will be onsite cleaning, stocking inventory, conducting sign-ups for new pantry shoppers and accepting donations.
- Fridays: 10AM to 4PM for food pick-ups and donations.
If you are unable to make it during these hours, please call 973-838-1027 to schedule an appointment.
***There is also a weatherproof bin outside the front entrance to the church for off-hours for non-perishable food donations. Please ensure that items not expired.***