Alarm Registration

Alarm Owner/ Applicant:
The Borough of Kinnelon has an ordinance governing the standards and regulations of various alarms installed in the Borough. All alarms are required to be registered under Borough Ordinance Chapters 85-4 & 85-7.
The passage of this ordinance was necessary so that we may better serve the residents of our community. It has been noted that certain privately installed emergency alarm systems pose a substantial safety hazard to the general public. They are often triggered by mistake, thereby placing police and fire personnel, borough equipment, the residents of the borough, and the motoring public in jeopardy.
Please complete the attached application and return within ten (10) days, along with a one-time registration permit fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars. Failure to register your alarm may result in a summons being issued, with a mandatory court appearance.
Please make checks payable to “The Borough of Kinnelon” and send it to the Kinnelon Police Dept. 130 Kinnelon Road, Kinnelon N.J. 07405. Attention: Alarm Registration.